Sunday, August 20, 2006

back am i

i'm back in action..muahaha..due to the reason that my com is spoilt and den have to reformat and den have to wait for donkey years to get my connection fix...tats why...nooonng nooonng time nv update...
exams coming..have been quite relax and now have to buck up..becos i realize i've really been too now have to work real hard my finger is numb when i type as i write for too long..have been doin revision from juz now have to relax abit...
Hmm..Rev.Dr.A.R.Bernard came and gave a prophetic word..dun worry..i'm not goonna spell out everything he said in my blog..i'm onli gonna highlight some thing here..
"Being poor is not refering to poor in monetary matters,it refers to poor in spirit and mind"..if you're rich in your mind and spirit,it doesn't matter how much $$ you've got with're still rich...
And is also within these few days..i realise that my mum actually dote on mi alot..someone who'll always think abt mi when she go shopping with her thoughtful of her..she actually bought mi some new and fashion tops..should wear it out some time..haha..and now that i can use my com and internet also muz thanks someone who always so willing to come and help mi fix them despite of distance..always so hardworking looking for information to fix my com,getting help from everywhere possible..maybe you're now reading it and smiling to do tat k..cos u'll like like an idiot smiling to your computer..wahaha!!!
hmm..think i'll upload some pics from e past few i went to watch e fireworks competition..wohoo~~very nice!!

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